Sunday, December 8, 2013


Marvin & Martha are on a trip from Kenosha, Wisconsin to Weatherford, Texas and it just worked out that they could be in Cerro Gordo, Illinois on December 3, 2013 ... 64 years to the date of their wedding.  So of course they had to take a journey back to 1949.

The day started with a drive to Monticello, Illinois and the courthouse where they originally picked up their marriage license.  Monticello was a perfect place for a corsage and a boutonniere.  After lunch they headed for Cerro Gordo, Illinois and Mom's hometown.

Everywhere they went they received congratulations and best wishes!!!

Took some coaxing to get Mom out of the car at the Little White Church
but once she understood we wanted pictures she was on board.  

Headed downtown for coffee at Judy's Kitchen (formerly the Victory Cafe) where they were joined by nieces, Linda Adams Gandy & Challis Miller Perkins, and their daughter Katherine Wood Goodman in a celebratory cup of coffee.

A kiss for good luck and off they went for the next 64!!!

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