Sunday, November 24, 2013

USO DANCE -- From Across The Room

Marvin WOOD (my father) and Martha ADAMS (my mother) met at a USO dance at the Service Club on Chanute AFB in Rantoul, Illinois. The date was October 22, 1949, Martha has just turned 20 a few days before the dance.  Marvin was 21 and an Airman in an aircraft maintenance training class at Chanute AFB.

USO Dance From The 1940s (Not A Family Picture)

DAD's Story:  On our way to the tavern in Rantoul to get drunk on a Saturday night and said "hey, there's a dance at the USO let's go see what's going on". Johnny Devitt (my buddy) and I walked in the door and looked across the dance floor and there was Martha in all her glory ... a sweater girl! I looked at her and Johnny looked at her and we both headed her way but I got there first. "Sorry Johnny!"

We danced all night long, talked a little, lied about our names (which was normal) and had a great time. I was just divorced and Martha was dating a farmer. Walked her to the bus, she invited me to the football game the next weekend in Cerro Gordo and I kissed her goodnight.

In store was a weekend of bliss and rapture! That night after leaving the dance I sat down and wrote the girl I was chasing in Kenosha, Wisconsin and told her that I'd met the girl I was going to marry ... "sorry" again for the second time that night, but not really.

Marvin's air training certificate and class photo, Chanute AFB.

MOM's Story:  The Catholic Girl's Bus from Decatur, Illinois was going to a USO Dance with the soldiers at Chanute AFB in Rantoul, Illinois.  Patsy, a classmate from high school, went with me. This was my first and last venture to a USO dance.

Marvin came across the dance floor when he entered the auditorium and asked me to dance and we did the rest of the night. We gave each other fake names. When I went to get on the bus we told each other who we really we were and where we lived. We kissed each other goodbye ... the first kiss!  I didn't tell my farmer goodbye.

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